Source code for prolif.interactions.base

Base interaction classes --- :mod:`prolif.interactions.base`

This module contains the base classes used to build most of the interactions.

import warnings
from itertools import product
from math import degrees, radians

import numpy as np
from rdkit import Geometry
from rdkit.Chem import MolFromSmarts

from prolif.interactions.utils import DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS, get_mapindex
from prolif.utils import angle_between_limits, get_centroid, get_ring_normal_vector


[docs]class Interaction: """Base class for interactions All interaction classes must inherit this class and define a :meth:`~detect` method. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Changed the return type of interactions. Added some helper methods to easily update/derive interaction classes. """ def __init_subclass__(cls, is_abstract=False): super().__init_subclass__() name = cls.__name__ register = _BASE_INTERACTIONS if is_abstract else _INTERACTIONS if not hasattr(cls, "detect"): raise TypeError( f"Can't instantiate interaction class {name} without a `detect` method." ) if name in register: warnings.warn( f"The {name!r} interaction has been superseded by a " f"new class with id {id(cls):#x}" ) register[name] = cls def __call__(self, lig_res, prot_res, metadata=False): for int_data in self.detect(lig_res, prot_res): yield int_data if metadata else True def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover cls = self.__class__ return f"<{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__} at {id(self):#x}>"
[docs] def metadata(self, lig_res, prot_res, lig_indices, prot_indices, **data): """Returns a dict containing the indices of atoms responsible for the interaction, alongside any other metrics (e.g. distance, angle...etc.).""" if hasattr(self, "_metadata_mapping"): mapping = self._metadata_mapping or {} data = {mapping.get(key, key): value for key, value in data.items()} return { "indices": { "ligand": lig_indices, "protein": prot_indices, }, "parent_indices": { "ligand": tuple( [get_mapindex(lig_res, index) for index in lig_indices] ), "protein": tuple( [get_mapindex(prot_res, index) for index in prot_indices] ), }, **data, }
@staticmethod def _invert_metadata(metadata): """Invert the role of the ligand and protein components in the dict returned by :meth:`~Interaction.metadata`.""" if metadata is not None: metadata["indices"]["protein"], metadata["indices"]["ligand"] = ( metadata["indices"]["ligand"], metadata["indices"]["protein"], ) ( metadata["parent_indices"]["protein"], metadata["parent_indices"]["ligand"], ) = ( metadata["parent_indices"]["ligand"], metadata["parent_indices"]["protein"], ) return metadata
[docs] @classmethod def invert_role(cls, name, docstring): """Creates a new interaction class where the role of the ligand and protein residues have been swapped. Usefull to create e.g. an acceptor class from a donor class. """ cls_docstring = cls.__doc__ or "\n" parameters_doc = cls_docstring.split("\n", maxsplit=1)[1] __doc__ = f"{docstring}\n{parameters_doc}" inverted = type(name, (cls,), {"__doc__": __doc__}) def detect(self, ligand, residue): for metadata in super(inverted, self).detect(residue, ligand): yield self._invert_metadata(metadata) inverted.detect = detect return inverted
[docs]class Distance(Interaction, is_abstract=True): """Generic class for distance-based interactions Parameters ---------- lig_pattern : str SMARTS pattern for atoms in ligand residues prot_pattern : str SMARTS pattern for atoms in protein residues distance : float Cutoff distance, measured between the first atom of each pattern """ def __init__(self, lig_pattern, prot_pattern, distance): self.lig_pattern = MolFromSmarts(lig_pattern) self.prot_pattern = MolFromSmarts(prot_pattern) self.distance = distance def detect(self, lig_res, prot_res): lig_matches = lig_res.GetSubstructMatches(self.lig_pattern) prot_matches = prot_res.GetSubstructMatches(self.prot_pattern) if lig_matches and prot_matches: for lig_match, prot_match in product(lig_matches, prot_matches): alig = Geometry.Point3D(*[lig_match[0]]) aprot = Geometry.Point3D(*[prot_match[0]]) dist = alig.Distance(aprot) if dist <= self.distance: yield self.metadata( lig_res, prot_res, lig_match, prot_match, distance=dist )
[docs]class SingleAngle(Interaction, is_abstract=True): """Generic class for interactions using constraints on a distance and an angle. Parameters ---------- lig_pattern : str SMARTS pattern for atoms in ligand residues. prot_pattern : str SMARTS pattern for atoms in protein residues, should include (at least) two atoms, the first two atoms will be used for the angle calculation. distance : float Distance threshold. angle : tuple Min and max values for the ``[P1]-[P2]...[L1]`` angle, where L1 is the first atom in the ``lig_pattern`` SMARTS, and P1 and P2 are the first two atoms in the ``prot_pattern`` SMARTS. distance_atom : str Which atom from the protein (P1 or P2) to use for the distance calculation with L1. metadata_mapping : dict, optional Mapping for names used in the metadata dict for the distance and angle variables .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ def __init__( self, lig_pattern, prot_pattern, distance, angle, distance_atom, metadata_mapping=None, ): self.lig_pattern = MolFromSmarts(lig_pattern) self.prot_pattern = MolFromSmarts(prot_pattern) self.distance = distance self.angle = tuple(radians(i) for i in angle) self._measure_distance = DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS[distance_atom] self._metadata_mapping = metadata_mapping def detect(self, lig_res, prot_res): lig_matches = lig_res.GetSubstructMatches(self.lig_pattern) prot_matches = prot_res.GetSubstructMatches(self.prot_pattern) if lig_matches and prot_matches: for lig_match, prot_match in product(lig_matches, prot_matches): l1 = Geometry.Point3D(*[lig_match[0]]) p1 = Geometry.Point3D(*[prot_match[0]]) p2 = Geometry.Point3D(*[prot_match[1]]) dist = self._measure_distance(l1, p1, p2) if dist <= self.distance: # P1-P2 ... L1 p2p1 = p2.DirectionVector(p1) p2l1 = p2.DirectionVector(l1) angle = p2p1.AngleTo(p2l1) if angle_between_limits(angle, *self.angle): yield self.metadata( lig_res, prot_res, lig_match, prot_match, distance=dist, angle=degrees(angle), )
[docs]class DoubleAngle(Interaction, is_abstract=True): """Generic class for interactions using constraints on a distance and two angles. Parameters ---------- lig_pattern : str SMARTS for ``[L1]-[L2]`` prot_pattern : str SMARTS for ``[P1]-[P2]`` distance : float Distance threshold L1P2P1_angle : tuple Min and max values for the ``[L1]...[P2]-[P1]`` angle L2L1P2_angle : tuple Min and max values for the ``[L2]-[L1]...[P2]`` angle distance_atoms : tuple[str, str] Which atoms to use for the distance calculation: L1 or L2, and P1 or P2 metadata_mapping : dict, optional Mapping for names used in the metadata dict for the distance and angle variables .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ def __init__( self, lig_pattern, prot_pattern, distance, L1P2P1_angle, L2L1P2_angle, distance_atoms=("L1", "P2"), metadata_mapping=None, ): self.lig_pattern = MolFromSmarts(lig_pattern) self.prot_pattern = MolFromSmarts(prot_pattern) self.distance = distance self.L1P2P1_angle = tuple(radians(i) for i in L1P2P1_angle) self.L2L1P2_angle = tuple(radians(i) for i in L2L1P2_angle) self._measure_distance = DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS[distance_atoms] self._metadata_mapping = metadata_mapping def detect(self, lig_res, prot_res): lig_matches = lig_res.GetSubstructMatches(self.lig_pattern) prot_matches = prot_res.GetSubstructMatches(self.prot_pattern) if lig_matches and prot_matches: for lig_match, prot_match in product(lig_matches, prot_matches): l1 = Geometry.Point3D(*[lig_match[0]]) l2 = Geometry.Point3D(*[lig_match[1]]) p1 = Geometry.Point3D(*[prot_match[0]]) p2 = Geometry.Point3D(*[prot_match[1]]) dist = self._measure_distance(l1, l2, p1, p2) if dist <= self.distance: p2p1 = p2.DirectionVector(p1) p2l1 = p2.DirectionVector(l1) l1p2p1 = p2p1.AngleTo(p2l1) if angle_between_limits(l1p2p1, *self.L1P2P1_angle): l1p2 = l1.DirectionVector(p2) l1l2 = l1.DirectionVector(l2) l2l1p2 = l1p2.AngleTo(l1l2) if angle_between_limits(l2l1p2, *self.L2L1P2_angle): yield self.metadata( lig_res, prot_res, lig_match, prot_match, distance=dist, L1P2P1_angle=degrees(l1p2p1), L2L1P2_angle=degrees(l2l1p2), )
[docs]class BasePiStacking(Interaction, is_abstract=True): """Base class for Pi-Stacking interactions Parameters ---------- distance : float Cutoff distance between each rings centroid plane_angles : tuple Min and max values for the angle between the ring planes normal_centroids_angles : tuple Min and max angles allowed between the vector normal to a ring's plane, and the vector between the centroid of both rings. pi_ring : list List of SMARTS for aromatic rings intersect : bool Whether to look for the point of intersection between both rings (for T-shaped interaction). intersect_radius : float If ``intersect=True``, used to check whether the intersect point falls within ``intersect_radius`` of the opposite ring's centroid. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 The implementation now relies on the angle between the vector normal to a ring's plane and the vector between centroids (``normal_centroids_angles``) instead of the ``shortest_distance`` parameter. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Renamed ``centroid_distance`` to distance. Added ``intersect`` and ``ring_radius`` parameters. """ def __init__( self, distance, plane_angle, normal_to_centroid_angle, pi_ring=( "[a;r6]1:[a;r6]:[a;r6]:[a;r6]:[a;r6]:[a;r6]:1", "[a;r5]1:[a;r5]:[a;r5]:[a;r5]:[a;r5]:1", ), intersect=False, intersect_radius=1.5, ): self.pi_ring = [MolFromSmarts(s) for s in pi_ring] self.distance = distance self.plane_angle = tuple(radians(i) for i in plane_angle) self.normal_to_centroid_angle = tuple( radians(i) for i in normal_to_centroid_angle ) self.intersect = intersect self.intersect_radius = intersect_radius def detect(self, ligand, residue): for pi_rings in product(self.pi_ring, repeat=2): res_matches = residue.GetSubstructMatches(pi_rings[0]) lig_matches = ligand.GetSubstructMatches(pi_rings[1]) if not (lig_matches and res_matches): continue for lig_match, res_match in product(lig_matches, res_matches): lig_pi_coords =[list(lig_match)] lig_centroid = Geometry.Point3D(*get_centroid(lig_pi_coords)) res_pi_coords =[list(res_match)] res_centroid = Geometry.Point3D(*get_centroid(res_pi_coords)) centroid_dist = lig_centroid.Distance(res_centroid) if centroid_dist > self.distance: continue # ligand lig_normal = get_ring_normal_vector(lig_centroid, lig_pi_coords) # residue res_normal = get_ring_normal_vector(res_centroid, res_pi_coords) plane_angle = lig_normal.AngleTo(res_normal) if not angle_between_limits(plane_angle, *self.plane_angle, ring=True): continue c1c2 = lig_centroid.DirectionVector(res_centroid) c2c1 = res_centroid.DirectionVector(lig_centroid) n1c1c2 = lig_normal.AngleTo(c1c2) n2c2c1 = res_normal.AngleTo(c2c1) ncc_angle = None if angle_between_limits( n1c1c2, *self.normal_to_centroid_angle, ring=True ): ncc_angle = n1c1c2 elif angle_between_limits( n2c2c1, *self.normal_to_centroid_angle, ring=True ): ncc_angle = n2c2c1 if ncc_angle is None: continue if self.intersect: # look for point of intersection between both ring planes intersect = self._get_intersect_point( lig_normal, lig_centroid, res_normal, res_centroid ) if intersect is None: continue # check if intersection point falls ~within plane ring intersect_dist = min( lig_centroid.Distance(intersect), res_centroid.Distance(intersect), ) if intersect_dist <= self.intersect_radius: yield self.metadata( ligand, residue, lig_match, res_match, distance=centroid_dist, plane_angle=degrees(plane_angle), normal_to_centroid_angle=degrees(ncc_angle), intersect_distance=intersect_dist, ) else: yield self.metadata( ligand, residue, lig_match, res_match, distance=centroid_dist, plane_angle=degrees(plane_angle), normal_to_centroid_angle=degrees(ncc_angle), ) @staticmethod def _get_intersect_point( plane_normal, plane_centroid, tilted_normal, tilted_centroid, ): # intersect line is orthogonal to both planes normal vectors intersect_direction = plane_normal.CrossProduct(tilted_normal) # setup system of linear equations to solve A = np.array( [list(plane_normal), list(tilted_normal), list(intersect_direction)] ) if np.linalg.det(A) == 0: return None tilted_offset = tilted_normal.DotProduct(Geometry.Point3D(*tilted_centroid)) plane_offset = plane_normal.DotProduct(Geometry.Point3D(*plane_centroid)) d = np.array([[plane_offset], [tilted_offset], [0.0]]) # point on intersect line point = np.linalg.solve(A, d).T[0] point = Geometry.Point3D(*point) # find projection of centroid on intersect line using vector projection vec = plane_centroid - point intersect_direction.Normalize() scalar_proj = intersect_direction.DotProduct(vec) return point + intersect_direction * scalar_proj