Source code for prolif.plotting.complex3d

Plot interactions in 3D --- :mod:`prolif.plotting.complex3d`

.. versionadded:: 2.0.0

.. autoclass:: Complex3D


from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Set, Tuple

import py3Dmol
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Geometry import Point3D

from prolif.exceptions import RunRequiredError
from prolif.plotting.utils import separated_interaction_colors
from prolif.utils import get_centroid

    from prolif.fingerprint import Fingerprint
    from prolif.ifp import IFP
    from prolif.molecule import Molecule
    from prolif.residue import ResidueId

[docs]class Complex3D: """Creates a py3Dmol plot of interactions. Parameters ---------- ifp : IFP The interaction dictionary for a single frame. lig_mol : Molecule The ligand molecule to display. prot_mol : Molecule The protein molecule to display. Attributes ---------- COLORS : dict Dictionnary of colors used in the plot for interactions. LIGAND_STYLE : Dict[str, Dict] = {"stick": {"colorscheme": "cyanCarbon"}} Style object passed to ``3Dmol.js`` for the ligand. RESIDUES_STYLE : Dict[str, Dict] = {"stick": {}} Style object passed to ``3Dmol.js`` for the protein residues involved in interactions. PROTEIN_STYLE : Dict[str, Dict] = {"cartoon": {"style": "edged"}} Style object passed to ``3Dmol.js`` for the entire protein. PEPTIDE_STYLE : Dict[str, Dict] = "cartoon": {"style": "edged", "colorscheme": "cyanCarbon"} Style object passed to ``3Dmol.js`` for the ligand as a peptide if appropriate. PEPTIDE_THRESHOLD : int = 2 Ligands with this number of residues or more will be displayed using ``PEPTIDE_STYLE`` in addition to the ``LIGAND_STYLE``. LIGAND_DISPLAYED_ATOM : Dict[str, int] Which atom should be used to display an atom-to-atom interaction for the ligand. Refers to the order defined in the SMARTS pattern used in interaction definition. Interactions not specified here use ``0`` by default. PROTEIN_DISPLAYED_ATOM : Dict[str, int] Same as :attr:`LIGAND_DISPLAYED_ATOM` for the protein. LIGAND_RING_INTERACTIONS : Set[str] Which interactions should be displayed using the centroid instead of using :attr:`LIGAND_DISPLAYED_ATOM` for the ligand. PROTEIN_RING_INTERACTIONS : Set[str] Which interactions should be displayed using the centroid instead of using :attr:`PROTEIN_DISPLAYED_ATOM` for the protein. RESIDUE_HOVER_CALLBACK : str JavaScript callback executed when hovering a residue involved in an interaction. INTERACTION_HOVER_CALLBACK : str JavaScript callback executed when hovering an interaction line. DISABLE_HOVER_CALLBACK : str JavaScript callback executed when the hovering event is finished. """ COLORS: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {**separated_interaction_colors} LIGAND_STYLE: ClassVar[Dict] = {"stick": {"colorscheme": "cyanCarbon"}} RESIDUES_STYLE: ClassVar[Dict] = {"stick": {}} PROTEIN_STYLE: ClassVar[Dict] = {"cartoon": {"style": "edged"}} PEPTIDE_STYLE: ClassVar[Dict] = { "cartoon": {"style": "edged", "colorscheme": "cyanCarbon"} } PEPTIDE_THRESHOLD: ClassVar[int] = 5 LIGAND_DISPLAYED_ATOM = { "HBDonor": 1, "XBDonor": 1, } PROTEIN_DISPLAYED_ATOM = { "HBAcceptor": 1, "XBAcceptor": 1, } RING_SYSTEMS: ClassVar[Set[str]] = { "PiStacking", "EdgeToFace", "FaceToFace", } LIGAND_RING_INTERACTIONS: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {*RING_SYSTEMS, "PiCation"} PROTEIN_RING_INTERACTIONS: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {*RING_SYSTEMS, "CationPi"} RESIDUE_HOVER_CALLBACK: ClassVar[ str ] = """ function(atom,viewer) { if(!atom.label) { atom.label = viewer.addLabel('%s:'+atom.atom+atom.serial, {position: atom, backgroundColor: 'mintcream', fontColor:'black'}); } }""" INTERACTION_HOVER_CALLBACK: ClassVar[ str ] = """ function(shape,viewer) { if(!shape.label) { shape.label = viewer.addLabel(shape.interaction, {position: shape, backgroundColor: 'black', fontColor:'white'}); } }""" DISABLE_HOVER_CALLBACK: ClassVar[ str ] = """ function(obj,viewer) { if(obj.label) { viewer.removeLabel(obj.label); delete obj.label; } }""" def __init__(self, ifp: IFP, lig_mol: Molecule, prot_mol: Molecule) -> None: self.ifp = ifp self.lig_mol = lig_mol self.prot_mol = prot_mol
[docs] @classmethod def from_fingerprint( cls, fp: Fingerprint, lig_mol: Molecule, prot_mol: Molecule, *, frame: int, ) -> Complex3D: """Creates a py3Dmol plot of interactions. Parameters ---------- fp : prolif.fingerprint.Fingerprint The fingerprint object already executed using one of the ``run`` or ``run_from_iterable`` methods. frame : int The frame number chosen to select which interactions are going to be displayed. lig_mol : Molecule The ligand molecule to display. prot_mol : Molecule The protein molecule to display. """ if not hasattr(fp, "ifp"): raise RunRequiredError( "Please run the fingerprint analysis before attempting to display" " results." ) ifp = fp.ifp[frame] return cls(ifp, lig_mol, prot_mol)
@staticmethod def get_ring_centroid(mol: Molecule, indices: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Point3D: centroid =[list(indices)].mean(axis=0) return Point3D(*centroid)
[docs] def display( self, size: Tuple[int, int] = (650, 600), display_all: bool = False ) -> py3Dmol.view: """Display as a py3Dmol widget view. Parameters ---------- size: Tuple[int, int] = (650, 600) The size of the py3Dmol widget view. display_all : bool = False Display all occurences for a given pair of residues and interaction, or only the shortest one. Not relevant if ``count=False`` in the ``Fingerprint`` object. """ v = py3Dmol.view(width=size[0], height=size[1], viewergrid=(1, 1), linked=False) v.removeAllModels() self._populate_view(v, position=(0, 0), display_all=display_all) return v
[docs] def compare( self, other: Complex3D, *, size: Tuple[int, int] = (900, 600), display_all: bool = False, linked: bool = True, color_unique: Optional[str] = "magentaCarbon", ) -> py3Dmol.view: """Displays the initial complex side-by-side with a second one for easier comparison. Parameters ---------- other: Complex3D Other ``Complex3D`` object to compare to. size: Tuple[int, int] = (900, 600) The size of the py3Dmol widget view. display_all : bool = False Display all occurences for a given pair of residues and interaction, or only the shortest one. Not relevant if ``count=False`` in the ``Fingerprint`` object. linked: bool = True Link mouse interactions (pan, zoom, translate) on both views. color_unique: Optional[str] = "magentaCarbon", Which color to use for residues that have interactions that are found in one complex but not the other. Use ``None`` to disable the color override. .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 """ v = py3Dmol.view( width=size[0], height=size[1], linked=linked, viewergrid=(1, 2), ) v.removeAllModels() # get set of interactions for both poses interactions1 = set( (resid[1], i) for resid, interactions in self.ifp.items() for i in interactions ) interactions2 = set( (resid[1], i) for resid, interactions in other.ifp.items() for i in interactions ) # get residues with interactions specific to pose 1 highlights = ( {r[0]: color_unique for r in interactions1 - interactions2} if color_unique else {} ) self._populate_view( v, position=(0, 0), display_all=display_all, colormap=highlights ) # get residues with interactions specific to pose 2 highlights = ( {r[0]: color_unique for r in interactions2 - interactions1} if color_unique else {} ) other._populate_view( v, position=(0, 1), display_all=display_all, colormap=highlights ) return v
def _populate_view( self, v: py3Dmol.view, position: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), display_all: bool = False, colormap: Optional[Dict[ResidueId, str]] = None, ) -> None: if colormap is None: colormap = {} models = {} mid = -1 for (lresid, presid), interactions in self.ifp.items(): lres = self.lig_mol[lresid] pres = self.prot_mol[presid] # set model ids for reusing later for resid, res, style in [ (lresid, lres, self.LIGAND_STYLE), (presid, pres, self.RESIDUES_STYLE), ]: if resid not in models: mid += 1 v.addModel(Chem.MolToMolBlock(res), "sdf", viewer=position) model = v.getModel(viewer=position) if resid in colormap: style = deepcopy(style) for key in style: style[key]["colorscheme"] = colormap[resid] model.setStyle({}, style) # add residue label model.setHoverable( {}, True, self.RESIDUE_HOVER_CALLBACK % resid, self.DISABLE_HOVER_CALLBACK, ) models[resid] = mid for interaction, metadata_tuple in interactions.items(): # whether to display all interactions or only the one with the shortest # distance metadata_iterator = ( metadata_tuple if display_all else ( min( metadata_tuple, key=lambda m: m.get("distance", float("nan")), ), ) ) for metadata in metadata_iterator: # get coordinates for both points of the interaction if interaction in self.LIGAND_RING_INTERACTIONS: p1 = self.get_ring_centroid(lres, metadata["indices"]["ligand"]) else: p1 = lres.GetConformer().GetAtomPosition( metadata["indices"]["ligand"][ self.LIGAND_DISPLAYED_ATOM.get(interaction, 0) ] ) if interaction in self.PROTEIN_RING_INTERACTIONS: p2 = self.get_ring_centroid( pres, metadata["indices"]["protein"] ) else: p2 = pres.GetConformer().GetAtomPosition( metadata["indices"]["protein"][ self.PROTEIN_DISPLAYED_ATOM.get(interaction, 0) ] ) # add interaction line v.addCylinder( { "start": dict(x=p1.x, y=p1.y, z=p1.z), "end": dict(x=p2.x, y=p2.y, z=p2.z), "color": self.COLORS.get(interaction, "grey"), "radius": 0.15, "dashed": True, "fromCap": 1, "toCap": 1, }, viewer=position, ) # add label when hovering the middle of the dashed line by adding a dummy atom c = Point3D(*get_centroid([p1, p2])) modelID = models[lresid] model = v.getModel(modelID, viewer=position) interaction_label = f"{interaction}: {metadata['distance']:.2f}Å" model.addAtoms( [ { "elem": "Z", "x": c.x, "y": c.y, "z": c.z, "interaction": interaction_label, } ] ) model.setStyle( {"interaction": interaction_label}, {"clicksphere": {"radius": 0.5}}, ) model.setHoverable( {"interaction": interaction_label}, True, self.INTERACTION_HOVER_CALLBACK, self.DISABLE_HOVER_CALLBACK, ) # show protein mol = Chem.RemoveAllHs(self.prot_mol) pdb = Chem.MolToPDBBlock(mol, flavor=0x20 | 0x10) v.addModel(pdb, "pdb", viewer=position) model = v.getModel(viewer=position) model.setStyle({}, self.PROTEIN_STYLE) # do the same for ligand if multiple residues if self.lig_mol.n_residues >= self.PEPTIDE_THRESHOLD: mol = Chem.RemoveAllHs(self.lig_mol) pdb = Chem.MolToPDBBlock(mol, flavor=0x20 | 0x10) v.addModel(pdb, "pdb", viewer=position) model = v.getModel(viewer=position) model.setStyle({}, self.PEPTIDE_STYLE) v.zoomTo({"model": list(models.values())}, viewer=position)