Source code for prolif.interactions

Detecting interactions between residues --- :mod:`prolif.interactions`

You can declare your own interaction class like this::

    from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix

    class CloseContact(prolif.Interaction):
        def detect(self, res1, res2, threshold=2.0):
            dist_matrix = distance_matrix(,
            if (dist_matrix <= threshold).any():
                return True

.. warning:: Your custom class must inherit from :class:`prolif.interactions.Interaction`

The new "CloseContact" class is then automatically added to the list of
interactions available to the fingerprint generator::

    >>> u = mda.Universe(prolif.datafiles.TOP, prolif.datafiles.TRAJ)
    >>> prot = u.select_atoms("protein")
    >>> lig = u.select_atoms("resname LIG")
    >>> fp = prolif.Fingerprint(interactions="all")
    >>> df =[0:1], lig, prot).to_dataframe()
    >>> df.xs("CloseContact", level=1, axis=1)
       ASP129.A  VAL201.A
    0         1         1
    >>> lmol = prolif.Molecule.from_mda(lig)
    >>> pmol = prolif.Molecule.from_mda(prot)
    >>> fp.closecontact(lmol, pmol["ASP129.A"])


import itertools
import warnings
from math import radians
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from .utils import (
import numpy as np
from rdkit.Chem import MolFromSmarts
from rdkit import Geometry


[docs]class _InteractionMeta(ABCMeta): """Metaclass to register interactions automatically""" def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict): type.__init__(cls, name, bases, classdict) if name in _INTERACTIONS.keys(): warnings.warn(f"The {name!r} interaction has been superseded by a " f"new class with id {id(cls):#x}") _INTERACTIONS[name] = cls
[docs]class Interaction(ABC, metaclass=_InteractionMeta): """Abstract class for interactions All interaction classes must inherit this class and define a :meth:`~detect` method """ @abstractmethod def detect(self, **kwargs): pass
[docs]def get_mapindex(res, index): """Get the index of the atom in the original molecule Parameters ---------- res : prolif.residue.Residue The residue in the protein or ligand index : int The index of the atom in the :class:`~prolif.residue.Residue` Returns ------- mapindex : int The index of the atom in the :class:`~prolif.molecule.Molecule` """ return res.GetAtomWithIdx(index).GetUnsignedProp("mapindex")
[docs]class _Distance(Interaction): """Generic class for distance-based interactions Parameters ---------- lig_pattern : str SMARTS pattern for atoms in ligand residues prot_pattern : str SMARTS pattern for atoms in protein residues distance : float Cutoff distance, measured between the first atom of each pattern """ def __init__(self, lig_pattern, prot_pattern, distance): self.lig_pattern = MolFromSmarts(lig_pattern) self.prot_pattern = MolFromSmarts(prot_pattern) self.distance = distance def detect(self, lig_res, prot_res): lig_matches = lig_res.GetSubstructMatches(self.lig_pattern) prot_matches = prot_res.GetSubstructMatches(self.prot_pattern) if lig_matches and prot_matches: for lig_match, prot_match in itertools.product(lig_matches, prot_matches): alig = Geometry.Point3D(*[lig_match[0]]) aprot = Geometry.Point3D(*[prot_match[0]]) if alig.Distance(aprot) <= self.distance: return True, lig_match[0], prot_match[0] return False, None, None
[docs]class Hydrophobic(_Distance): """Hydrophobic interaction Parameters ---------- hydrophobic : str SMARTS query for hydrophobic atoms distance : float Cutoff distance for the interaction """ def __init__(self, hydrophobic="[#6,#16,F,Cl,Br,I,At;!$([+{1-},-{1-}])]", distance=4.5): super().__init__(hydrophobic, hydrophobic, distance)
[docs]class _BaseHBond(Interaction): """Base class for Hydrogen bond interactions Parameters ---------- donor : str SMARTS for ``[Donor]-[Hydrogen]`` acceptor : str SMARTS for ``[Acceptor]`` distance : float Cutoff distance between the donor and acceptor atoms angles : tuple Min and max values for the ``[Donor]-[Hydrogen]...[Acceptor]`` angle """ def __init__(self, donor="[#7,#8,#16][H]", acceptor="[N,O,F,-{1-};!+{1-}]", distance=3.5, angles=(130, 180)): self.donor = MolFromSmarts(donor) self.acceptor = MolFromSmarts(acceptor) self.distance = distance self.angles = tuple(radians(i) for i in angles) def detect(self, acceptor, donor): acceptor_matches = acceptor.GetSubstructMatches(self.acceptor) donor_matches = donor.GetSubstructMatches(self.donor) if acceptor_matches and donor_matches: for donor_match, acceptor_match in itertools.product(donor_matches, acceptor_matches): # D-H ... A d = Geometry.Point3D(*[donor_match[0]]) h = Geometry.Point3D(*[donor_match[1]]) a = Geometry.Point3D(*[acceptor_match[0]]) if d.Distance(a) <= self.distance: hd = h.DirectionVector(d) ha = h.DirectionVector(a) # get DHA angle angle = hd.AngleTo(ha) if angle_between_limits(angle, *self.angles): return True, acceptor_match[0], donor_match[1] return False, None, None
[docs]class HBDonor(_BaseHBond): """Hbond interaction between a ligand (donor) and a residue (acceptor)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): bit, ires, ilig = super().detect(residue, ligand) return bit, ilig, ires
[docs]class HBAcceptor(_BaseHBond): """Hbond interaction between a ligand (acceptor) and a residue (donor)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): return super().detect(ligand, residue)
[docs]class _BaseXBond(Interaction): """Base class for Halogen bond interactions Parameters ---------- donor : str SMARTS for ``[Donor]-[Halogen]`` acceptor : str SMARTS for ``[Acceptor]-[R]`` distance : float Cutoff distance between the halogen and acceptor atoms axd_angles : tuple Min and max values for the ``[Acceptor]...[Halogen]-[Donor]`` angle xar_angles : tuple Min and max values for the ``[R]-[Acceptor]...[Halogen]`` angle Notes ----- Distance and angle adapted from Auffinger et al. PNAS 2004 """ def __init__(self, donor="[#6,#7,Si,F,Cl,Br,I]-[Cl,Br,I,At]", acceptor="[#7,#8,P,S,Se,Te,a;!+{1-}][*]", distance=3.5, axd_angles=(130, 180), xar_angles=(80, 140)): self.donor = MolFromSmarts(donor) self.acceptor = MolFromSmarts(acceptor) self.distance = distance self.axd_angles = tuple(radians(i) for i in axd_angles) self.xar_angles = tuple(radians(i) for i in xar_angles) def detect(self, acceptor, donor): acceptor_matches = acceptor.GetSubstructMatches(self.acceptor) donor_matches = donor.GetSubstructMatches(self.donor) if acceptor_matches and donor_matches: for donor_match, acceptor_match in itertools.product(donor_matches, acceptor_matches): # D-X ... A distance d = Geometry.Point3D(*[donor_match[0]]) x = Geometry.Point3D(*[donor_match[1]]) a = Geometry.Point3D(*[acceptor_match[0]]) if x.Distance(a) <= self.distance: # D-X ... A angle xd = x.DirectionVector(d) xa = x.DirectionVector(a) angle = xd.AngleTo(xa) if angle_between_limits(angle, *self.axd_angles): # X ... A-R angle r = Geometry.Point3D(*[acceptor_match[1]]) ax = a.DirectionVector(x) ar = a.DirectionVector(r) angle = ax.AngleTo(ar) if angle_between_limits(angle, *self.xar_angles): return True, acceptor_match[0], donor_match[1] return False, None, None
[docs]class XBAcceptor(_BaseXBond): """Halogen bonding between a ligand (acceptor) and a residue (donor)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): return super().detect(ligand, residue)
[docs]class XBDonor(_BaseXBond): """Halogen bonding between a ligand (donor) and a residue (acceptor)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): bit, ires, ilig = super().detect(residue, ligand) return bit, ilig, ires
[docs]class _BaseIonic(_Distance): """Base class for ionic interactions""" def __init__(self, cation="[+{1-}]", anion="[-{1-}]", distance=4.5): super().__init__(cation, anion, distance)
[docs]class Cationic(_BaseIonic): """Ionic interaction between a ligand (cation) and a residue (anion)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): return super().detect(ligand, residue)
[docs]class Anionic(_BaseIonic): """Ionic interaction between a ligand (anion) and a residue (cation)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): bit, ires, ilig = super().detect(residue, ligand) return bit, ilig, ires
[docs]class _BaseCationPi(Interaction): """Base class for cation-pi interactions Parameters ---------- cation : str SMARTS for cation pi_ring : tuple SMARTS for aromatic rings (5 and 6 membered rings only) distance : float Cutoff distance between the centroid and the cation angles : tuple Min and max values for the angle between the vector normal to the ring plane and the vector going from the centroid to the cation """ def __init__(self, cation="[+{1-}]", pi_ring=("a1:a:a:a:a:a:1", "a1:a:a:a:a:1"), distance=4.5, angles=(0, 30)): self.cation = MolFromSmarts(cation) self.pi_ring = [MolFromSmarts(s) for s in pi_ring] self.distance = distance self.angles = tuple(radians(i) for i in angles) def detect(self, cation, pi): cation_matches = cation.GetSubstructMatches(self.cation) for pi_ring in self.pi_ring: pi_matches = pi.GetSubstructMatches(pi_ring) if not (cation_matches and pi_matches): continue for cation_match, pi_match in itertools.product(cation_matches, pi_matches): cat = Geometry.Point3D(*[cation_match[0]]) # get coordinates of atoms matching pi-system pi_coords =[list(pi_match)] # centroid of pi-system as 3d point centroid = Geometry.Point3D(*get_centroid(pi_coords)) # distance between cation and centroid if cat.Distance(centroid) > self.distance: continue # vector normal to ring plane normal = get_ring_normal_vector(centroid, pi_coords) # vector between the centroid and the charge centroid_cation = centroid.DirectionVector(cat) # compute angle between normal to ring plane and centroid-cation angle = normal.AngleTo(centroid_cation) if angle_between_limits(angle, *self.angles, ring=True): return True, cation_match[0], pi_match[0] return False, None, None
[docs]class PiCation(_BaseCationPi): """Cation-Pi interaction between a ligand (aromatic ring) and a residue (cation)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): bit, ires, ilig = super().detect(residue, ligand) return bit, ilig, ires
[docs]class CationPi(_BaseCationPi): """Cation-Pi interaction between a ligand (cation) and a residue (aromatic ring)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): return super().detect(ligand, residue)
[docs]class PiStacking(Interaction): """Pi-Stacking interaction between a ligand and a residue Parameters ---------- centroid_distance : float Cutoff distance between each rings centroid shortest_distance : float Shortest distance allowed between the closest atoms of both rings plane_angles : tuple Min and max values for the angle between the ring planes pi_ring : list List of SMARTS for aromatic rings """ def __init__(self, centroid_distance=6.0, shortest_distance=3.8, plane_angles=(0, 90), pi_ring=("a1:a:a:a:a:a:1", "a1:a:a:a:a:1")): self.pi_ring = [MolFromSmarts(s) for s in pi_ring] self.centroid_distance = centroid_distance self.shortest_distance = shortest_distance**2 self.plane_angles = tuple(radians(i) for i in plane_angles) def detect(self, ligand, residue): for pi_rings in itertools.product(self.pi_ring, repeat=2): res_matches = residue.GetSubstructMatches(pi_rings[0]) lig_matches = ligand.GetSubstructMatches(pi_rings[1]) if not (lig_matches and res_matches): continue for lig_match, res_match in itertools.product(lig_matches, res_matches): lig_pi_coords =[list(lig_match)] lig_centroid = Geometry.Point3D(*get_centroid(lig_pi_coords)) res_pi_coords =[list(res_match)] res_centroid = Geometry.Point3D(*get_centroid(res_pi_coords)) cdist = lig_centroid.Distance(res_centroid) if cdist > self.centroid_distance: continue squared_dist_matrix = np.add.outer( (lig_pi_coords**2).sum(axis=-1), (res_pi_coords**2).sum(axis=-1) ) - 2*, res_pi_coords.T) shortest_dist = squared_dist_matrix.min().min() if shortest_dist > self.shortest_distance: continue # ligand lig_normal = get_ring_normal_vector(lig_centroid, lig_pi_coords) # residue res_normal = get_ring_normal_vector(res_centroid, res_pi_coords) # angle between planes plane_angle = lig_normal.AngleTo(res_normal) if angle_between_limits(plane_angle, *self.plane_angles, ring=True): return True, lig_match[0], res_match[0] return False, None, None
[docs]class FaceToFace(PiStacking): """Face-to-face Pi-Stacking interaction between a ligand and a residue""" def __init__(self, centroid_distance=4.5, plane_angles=(0, 40), **kwargs): super().__init__(centroid_distance=centroid_distance, plane_angles=plane_angles, **kwargs)
[docs]class EdgeToFace(PiStacking): """Edge-to-face Pi-Stacking interaction between a ligand and a residue""" def __init__(self, centroid_distance=6.0, plane_angles=(50, 90), **kwargs): super().__init__(centroid_distance=centroid_distance, plane_angles=plane_angles, **kwargs)
[docs]class _BaseMetallic(_Distance): """Base class for metal complexation Parameters ---------- metal : str SMARTS for a transition metal ligand : str SMARTS for a ligand distance : float Cutoff distance """ def __init__(self, metal="[Ca,Cd,Co,Cu,Fe,Mg,Mn,Ni,Zn]", ligand="[O,N,-{1-};!+{1-}]", distance=2.8): super().__init__(metal, ligand, distance)
[docs]class MetalDonor(_BaseMetallic): """Metallic interaction between a ligand (metal) and a residue (chelated)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): return super().detect(ligand, residue)
[docs]class MetalAcceptor(_BaseMetallic): """Metallic interaction between a ligand (chelated) and a residue (metal)""" def detect(self, ligand, residue): bit, ires, ilig = super().detect(residue, ligand) return bit, ilig, ires