Source code for prolif.utils

Helper functions --- :mod:`prolif.utils`
from math import pi
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable
from functools import wraps
from importlib.util import find_spec
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from rdkit.Chem import (SplitMolByPDBResidues,
from rdkit.Geometry import Point3D
from rdkit.DataStructs import ExplicitBitVect
from .residue import ResidueId

_90_deg_to_rad = pi/2

def requires(module):  # pragma: no cover
    def inner(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if find_spec(module):
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                f"The module {module!r} is required to use {func.__name__!r} "
                "but it is not installed!")
        return wrapper
    return inner

def get_centroid(coordinates):
    """Centroid for an array of XYZ coordinates"""
    return np.mean(coordinates, axis=0)

def get_ring_normal_vector(centroid, coordinates):
    """Returns a vector that is normal to the ring plane"""
    # A & B are two edges of the ring
    a = Point3D(*coordinates[0])
    b = Point3D(*coordinates[1])
    # vectors between centroid and these edges
    ca = centroid.DirectionVector(a)
    cb = centroid.DirectionVector(b)
    # cross product between these two vectors
    normal = ca.CrossProduct(cb)
    # cb.CrossProduct(ca) is the normal vector in the opposite direction
    return normal

def angle_between_limits(angle, min_angle, max_angle, ring=False):
    """Checks if an angle value is between min and max angles in radian.
    If the angle to check involves a ring, include the angle that would be
    obtained if we had used the other normal vector (same axis but opposite
    if ring and (angle > _90_deg_to_rad):
        mirror_angle = _90_deg_to_rad - (angle % _90_deg_to_rad)
        return (min_angle <= angle <= max_angle) or (
                min_angle <= mirror_angle <= max_angle)
    return (min_angle <= angle <= max_angle)

[docs]def get_residues_near_ligand(lig, prot, cutoff=6.0): """Detects residues close to a reference ligand Parameters ---------- lig : prolif.molecule.Molecule Select residues that are near this ligand prot : prolif.molecule.Molecule Protein containing the residues cutoff : float If any interatomic distance between the ligand reference points and a residue is below or equal to this cutoff, the residue will be selected Returns ------- residues : list A list of unique :class:`~prolif.residue.ResidueId` that are close to the ligand """ tree = cKDTree( ix = tree.query_ball_point(, cutoff) ix = set([i for lst in ix for i in lst]) resids = [ResidueId.from_atom(prot.GetAtomWithIdx(i)) for i in ix] return list(set(resids))
def split_mol_by_residues(mol): """Splits a molecule in multiple fragments based on residues Parameters ---------- mol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol The molecule to fragment Returns ------- residues : list A list of :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol` Notes ----- Code adapted from Maciek Wójcikowski on the RDKit discussion list """ residues = [] for res in SplitMolByPDBResidues(mol).values(): for frag in GetMolFrags(res, asMols=True, sanitizeFrags=False): # count number of unique residues in the fragment resids = {a.GetIdx(): ResidueId.from_atom(a) for a in frag.GetAtoms()} if len(set(resids.values())) > 1: # split on peptide bonds bonds = [b.GetIdx() for b in frag.GetBonds() if is_peptide_bond(b, resids)] mols = FragmentOnBonds(frag, bonds, addDummies=False) mols = GetMolFrags(mols, asMols=True, sanitizeFrags=False) residues.extend(mols) else: residues.append(frag) return residues def is_peptide_bond(bond, resids): """Checks if a bond is a peptide bond based on the ResidueId of the atoms on each part of the bond. Also works for disulfide bridges or any bond that links two residues in biopolymers. Parameters ---------- bond : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond The bond to check resids : dict A dictionnary of ResidueId indexed by atom index """ if resids[bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()] == resids[bond.GetEndAtomIdx()]: return False return True
[docs]def to_dataframe(ifp, interactions, index_col="Frame", dtype=None, drop_empty=True, return_atoms=False): """Converts IFPs to a pandas DataFrame Parameters ---------- ifp : list A list of dict in the format {key: bitvector}. "key" is a tuple of ligand and protein ResidueId. "bitvector" is either a numpy.ndarray of bits, or a list of bitarray, ligand atom indices, and protein atom indices. Each dictionnary must also contain an entry that will be used as an index, typically a frame number. interactions : list A list of interactions, in the same order as the bitvector. index_col : str The dictionnary key that will be used as an index in the DataFrame dtype : object or None Cast the input of each bit in the bitvector to this type. If None, keep the data as is. Not compatible with ``return_atoms=True`` drop_empty : bool Drop columns with only empty values return_atoms : bool For each residue pair and interaction, return indices of atoms responsible for the interaction instead of bits Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame A 3-levels DataFrame where each ligand residue, protein residue, and interaction type are in separate columns Example ------- :: >>> df = prolif.to_dataframe(results, fp.interactions.keys(), dtype=int) >>> print(df) ligand LIG1.G protein ILE59 ILE55 TYR93 interaction Hydrophobic HBAcceptor Hydrophobic Hydrophobic PiStacking Frame 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... .. versionchanged:: 0.3.2 Moved the ``return_atoms`` parameter from the ``run`` methods to the dataframe conversion code """ if dtype and return_atoms: raise ValueError("`dtype` cannot be used with `return_atoms=True`") ifp = deepcopy(ifp) n_interactions = len(interactions) empty_value = dtype(False) if dtype else False # residue pairs keys = sorted(set([k for d in ifp for k in d.keys() if k != index_col])) # check if each interaction value is a list of atom indices or smthg else for k in keys: if k in ifp[0].keys(): break is_atompair = isinstance(ifp[0][k][0], Iterable) if return_atoms and not is_atompair: raise ValueError("The IFP either doesn't contain atom indices or is " "formatted incorrectly") # create empty array for each residue pair interaction that doesn't exist # in a particular frame if is_atompair and return_atoms: empty_arr = [[None, None]] * n_interactions else: empty_arr = np.array([empty_value] * n_interactions) # sparse to dense data = defaultdict(list) index = [] for d in ifp: index.append(d.pop(index_col)) for key in keys: try: arr = d[key] except KeyError: data[key].append(empty_arr) else: if is_atompair and return_atoms: arr = list(zip(*arr[1:])) elif is_atompair: arr = arr[0] data[key].append(arr) index = pd.Series(index, name=index_col) # create dataframes values = np.array([np.hstack([np.ravel(a[i]) for a in data.values()]) for i in range(len(index))]) if is_atompair and return_atoms: columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(str(k[0]), str(k[1]), i, a) for k in keys for i in interactions for a in ["ligand", "protein"]], names=["ligand", "protein", "interaction", "atom"]) else: columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(str(k[0]), str(k[1]), i) for k in keys for i in interactions], names=["ligand", "protein", "interaction"]) df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=columns, index=index) if is_atompair and return_atoms: df = (df.groupby(axis=1, level=["ligand", "protein", "interaction"]) .agg(tuple)) if dtype: df = df.astype(dtype) if drop_empty: if is_atompair and return_atoms: mask = df.apply(lambda s: ~(s.isin([(None, None)]).all()), axis=0) else: mask = (df != empty_value).any(axis=0) df = df.loc[:, mask] return df
def pandas_series_to_bv(s): bv = ExplicitBitVect(len(s)) on_bits = np.where(s >= True)[0].tolist() bv.SetBitsFromList(on_bits) return bv
[docs]def to_bitvectors(df): """Converts an interaction DataFrame to a list of RDKit ExplicitBitVector Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame where each column corresponds to an interaction between two residues Returns ------- bv : list A list of :class:`~rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.ExplicitBitVect` for each frame Example ------- :: >>> from rdkit.DataStructs import TanimotoSimilarity >>> bv = prolif.to_bitvectors(df) >>> TanimotoSimilarity(bv[0], bv[1]) 0.42 """ return df.apply(pandas_series_to_bv, axis=1).tolist()