Source code for prolif.rdkitmol

Reading RDKit molecules --- :mod:`prolif.rdkitmol`
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolTransforms import ComputeCentroid

[docs]class BaseRDKitMol(Chem.Mol): """Base molecular class that behaves like an RDKit :class:`~rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol` with extra attributes (see below). The sole purpose of this class is to define the common API between the :class:`~prolif.molecule.Molecule` and :class:`~prolif.residue.Residue` classes. This class should not be instantiated by users. Parameters ---------- mol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol A molecule (protein, ligand, or residue) with a single conformer Attributes ---------- centroid : numpy.ndarray XYZ coordinates of the centroid of the molecule xyz : numpy.ndarray XYZ coordinates of all atoms in the molecule """ @property def centroid(self): return ComputeCentroid(self.GetConformer()) @property def xyz(self): return self.GetConformer().GetPositions()